Thursday, September 8, 2011

29 Years Young...

August 11th was my 29th Birthday. Kevin had to fly to Texas for work and was going to be gone that same week so I stayed in Salt Lake an additional week to spend the day with family. It really was such a fun fun day. First when I woke up and walked out of the room at my moms place, I walked into streamers and balloons and signs all around. Then my sister Stacey and I took the kids on the Front Runner downtown. I desperately needed some more exercise clothes so we rode it to Farmington to shop some stores that were walking distance from the tracks.

Stacey and Addilyn.

Me and my favorite buddy Rylan. He loves trains and it was fun to see his excitement.

Me and my kiddos.

The kids and I waiting for our train back to Salt Lake.

For dinner that night my Mom treated us to my most favorite restaurant...Outback! It was so nice having her and Kim and Stacey and Kyle there too!

When we got back to Mom's place they had some cake and some presents for me too.
The kids helping me blow out candles.

Rylan enjoying the #9!

It was such a great day. I was missing Kevin pretty bad but I'm so thankful for Stacey and Mom doing all they did to make it the most special day still! Cant believe next year I'm gonna be 30! Yikes the years are going so fast:)


Stacey and Kyle Nielsen said...

Good times and great memories!! You should come celebrate here in Salt Lake every birthday!!

kristin said...

happy birthday, chrissy! it's crazy that we're close to 30!! ahhh!!! glad your birthday was special and you were celebrated, even though kevin was gone. :o(

Our ABC Family said...

Love all the updates!!! :) happy "Late" birthday! Looks like you guys have been having a blast!